About us

We were born 100 years ago, we are free and independent. Creating the standards that improve our lives is our daily commitment.

About us

We are a private, non-profit association that has been developing, publishing and disseminating the standards of our lives for over 100 years: the voluntary technical standards.

We are free. Because we are independent.
We are ‘unique’. Because we are recognised by the Italian State and the European Union.
We are open to everyone’s participation: we sit experts, companies, professors, institutions and consumers around the same table to create a great shared heritage of knowledge.

Our history

100 years of
well made things

More than a century has passed since we published our first standard in 1921. Since then we have published more than 48,000.

It is an endeavour that we carry out thanks to the work of almost 8,000 people. We are never alone in this endeavour: our platform is open for everyone to participate, to share a wealth of knowledge, both useful and ethical, that applies to every field of life.

Discover our history
Our commitment

Standardisation at the core of everything

Enhancing the centrality of standardisation is our daily commitment.
Drawing up, publishing and disseminating technical documents of voluntary application that are the result of a deliberative, democratic, transparent and consensual process.

We involve all stakeholders in every sector and collaborate with 7 independent partners: the Federated Bodies. This gives us the certainty of improving and standardising the characteristics of our products and services, always respecting our ethical parameters.

Discover our commitment

Building a world
well made

Human Rights, Inclusiveness, Social Responsibility.
These are the values we never disregard.
They are the indispensable building blocks for building a more ethical, fair and sustainable world for today’s and tomorrow’s generations.

Guaranteeing well made things is good for everyone. People, companies, universities, research, the third sector, NGOs: everyone can play their part, in a system that is never rigid, but always dialoguing and inclusive.

Discover our vision
The numbers of UNI

The goals of this year

Active Members: 4.500+
Published standards: 1.500+
Committees carrying out standardisation activities: 600+
Training courses delivered: 500+