

Levels of governance

To carry out its activities, UNI makes use of specific governance bodies:

The Members' Assembly

The Assembly, ordinary and extraordinary, is composed of all UNI members and is convened by the President, upon resolution of the Board of Directors, at least once a year.

The Strategic Steering Committee

The Strategic Steering Committee defines the vision of the Body and the mapping of the stakeholders, identifies the medium and long term strategic lines, identifies the standardisation themes in relation to the national and international market trends.

Giuseppe Rossi

Giovanni Esposito
Paolo Lazzara
Andrea Orlando
Armando Zambrano (Presidente della Commissione Centrale Tecnica)

Components elected by the Assembly
Anna Danzi
Massimo Deldossi
Franco Deregibus
Luigi Di Carlantonio
Giovanni Esposito
Anna Rita Fioroni
Santino Giglio
Giovanni Marcantonio

Maurizio Savoncelli
Marco Spinetto
Armando Zambrano
Roberto Zappa

Multi-quota Members Representatives
Paolo Lazzara (Inail)
Gianni Massa (CNI)
Andrea Orlando (Confindustria)

Representatives of Ministries
Massimo Greco (Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy)
Gianluca Ievolella (Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti)
Stefano Marsella (Ministero dell’Interno)
Laura Menicucci (Ministero per la Famiglia, la Natalità e le Pari opportunità)
Emanuele Nastri (ISCOM)
Antonio Panaggio (Ministero dell’Istruzione e del  Merito)
Michele Pasquariello (Ministero della Difesa)
Gianni Penzo Doria (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca)
Esmeralda Tuccimei (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica)
Miquela Ugolini (Ministero dell’agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste)

Representative ACCREDIA
Massimo De Felice

Representative CEI
Riccardo Lama

Representative CGIL CISL UIL
Ornella Cilona

Representative CNCU
Ettore Salvatori

Representative CNR
Federica Mele

Representative CRUI
Marco Francesco Bocciolone

Representative ISPRA
Barbara Bellomo

Representative Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Rosa Draisci

Representative Legambiente
Andrea Minutolo

Representative Unioncamere
Fabio Lunghi

Vicepresidents CCT
Fabrizio Benedetti
Antonio Panvini

Presidents of Federated Bodies
Cesare Boffa (CTI)
Bruno Brianzoli (UNICHIM)
Filippo D’Aprile (CUNA)
Patrizia Dapreda (UNSIDER)
Eduardo Di Benedetto (CIG)
Roberto Frassine (UNIPLAST)
Domenico Squillace (UNINFO)

Director General
Ruggero Lensi

Representative UNI employees
Marco De Gregorio

Board of Legal Auditors
Valerio Ingenito
Francesco Facchini
Mara Scialanga

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors defines and plans the activities necessary to achieve the aims of the Body, it deliberates on all the provisions intended to regulate the functioning of UNI.

Giuseppe Rossi

Giovanni Esposito
Paolo Lazzara
Andrea Orlando
Armando Zambrano (Presidente della Commissione Centrale Tecnica)


Representative ACCREDIA
Massimo De Felice

Representative CNR
Federica Mele

Representative of Ministers
Massimo Greco (Imprese e Made in Italy)
Gianluca Ievolella (Infrastrutture e Trasporti)
Stefano Marsella (Interno)
Emanuele Nastri (ISCOM)
Michele Pasquariello (Difesa)

President CEI
Riccardo Lama

Representatives CCT
Fabrizio Benedetti
Antonio Panvini

Presidents of Federated Bodies
Cesare Boffa (CTI)
Bruno Brianzoli (UNICHIM)
Filippo D’Aprile (CUNA)
Patrizia Dapreda (UNSIDER)
Eduardo Di Benedetto (CIG)
Roberto Frassine (UNIPLAST)
Domenico Squillace (UNINFO)

Members with 200 shares
Paolo Lazzara (INAIL)
Gianni Massa (Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri)
Andrea Orlando (Confindustria)

Anna Danzi
Massimo Deldossi
Franco Deregibus
Luigi Di Carlantonio
Giovanni Esposito
Anna Rita Fioroni
Santino Giglio
Giovanni Marcantonio

Maurizio Savoncelli
Marco Spinetto
Armando Zambrano
Roberto Mario Zappa


The Executive Council

The Executive Council implements the resolutions of the Board of Directors and the general guidelines of the Strategic Steering Committee and coordinates the activities of the Body.

Giuseppe Rossi

Giovanni Esposito
Paolo Lazzara
Andrea Orlando
Armando Zambrano
 (Presidente della Commissione Centrale Tecnica)

Components elected by the Board of Directors
Anna Rita Fioroni
Maurizio Savoncelli

Representative Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy
Massimo Greco

Representative CNR
Federica Mele

Representative Enti Federati
Domenico Squillace

The President

The President is elected by the Members’ Assembly and remains in office for four years. He ratifies the technical standards drawn up by the UNI Technical Commissions and the Federated Bodies on the proposal of the Central Technical Commission and authorises their publication.

Giuseppe Rossi

The Board of Legal Auditors

The Board of Legal Auditors carries out a legality check by verifying compliance with the law and the Statute and the adequacy of the administrative and accounting organisation and the proper administration of the company.

Valerio Ingenito – President
Francesco Facchini – Full member
Mara Scialanga – Full member
Luca Mercaldo Alternate member
Francesco Paolo FazioAlternate member

The Board of Arbitrators

The Board of Arbitrators decides on appeals against resolutions of the Board of Directors and on any other dispute that may arise between the members and UNI.

Riccardo Pellegatta – President
Sandro Bonomi – Full member
Francesco Burrelli 
– Full member
Paola Freda 
Alternate member
Cirino Mendola
Alternate member

The Public Administration Coordination Committee

The Public Administrations Coordination Committee promotes the closest coordination of the participating public administrations in order to guarantee the maximum usefulness and consistency in the contribution provided by the public subjects involved in the implementation of the Body’s functions.


Our management team

Ruggero Lensi

Director General

Processes and Regulation

Stefano Sibilio

Deputy General Manager - Processes and Regulation

Alberto Galeotto

Head of Standardization Activities

Alberto Brambilla

Head of Customers and Members

Paola Annigoni

Head of Training and Knowledge

Elena Mocchio

Head of Innovation and Development

Alessandra Pasetti

Head of Institutional Relations

Sustainability and Enhancement

Gianna Zappi

Deputy General Manager of Sustainability and Values

Fabrizio Vasaturo

Head of Environment and Safety

Rosella Beccaglia

Head of Administration and Finance

Stefania Modena

Head of Publishing and Graphics

Enrica Diotti

Head of People and Skills

Lisa Inversini

Head of Digital Transformation

Functions supporting the General Manager and the UNI President

Lucia Ramazzotti

Head of Coordination and Media

Gian Luca Salerio

Head of International Policies

Alberto Monteverdi

Head of Public Relations and Editor-in-chief of STANDARD magazine

Paola Travaini

Head of International Relations