
UNI has adopted a governance system oriented towards sustainability, to be achieved through the implementation of a multi-stakeholder ‘social responsibility’ model attentive to managing the internal and external impacts of its activities.

We have chosen as a reference the UNI EN ISO 26000:2020 standard on the social responsibility of organisations and the UNI/PdR 18, UNI/PdR 21 and UNI/PdR 41 reference practices to implement it.

We have adopted an Organisational Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, which is part of this governance approach, as well as a UNI Occupational Health and Safety Policy, which addresses the provisions of our Organisational and Management Model on Occupational Health and Safety.

Both Models confirm the ethical positioning foreseen in Article 1 of UNI’s 2020 Statute, which defines that the principles by which UNI is inspired are to affirm the dignity of the Person and to protect fundamental Human Rights. Ad hoc contractual clauses commit UNI’s suppliers on both sides.

In this way we want to contribute to sustainable development and with attention to meeting society’s needs while living within the ecological limits of the planet and without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


With this in mind, we ask like-minded suppliers to qualify as our Suppliers by filling in the form below (Company/Individual Company or Individual Person) enclosing the following documents:

a) brief presentation of the company;
b) valid Chamber of Commerce
d) Certification(s) (latest version(s))
e) Declaration of non-existence of obstructive causes (attachment .doc to download)
f) Public employee authorisation (attachment .pdf to download)

Except for particular cases related to the organisational characteristics of some suppliers, regulated by our internal procedures, the qualification process is a mandatory condition for working with UNI.

The privacy policy is in the supplier registration form.

Suppliers Code

UNI’s suppliers read, know and are required to accept the provisions of the Suppliers’ Code of Conduct, compliance with which is an essential requirement for UNI to maintain collaborations with external parties, for the supply of both goods and services.

In relation to what is foreseen by UNI’s People Deontological Charter, personnel cannot give or receive gifts and/or presents.