Our Strategic Lines
The Strategic Guidelines 2021-2024 have solid roots, on which governance has defined the reference points of standardisation, i.e. what we want UNI to become (vision) and how we intend to get there (mission).
In the process of gradual fine-tuning (which always kept the model of the ISO 2030 Strategy and the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda as a reference), numerous stakeholders were involved, such as UNI people, the Federated Bodies, the Representative Members, the Central Technical Commission and the Standardisation Study Centre
To be the place of normative reference, to identify, disseminate and support the application of the best consensual solutions in the cultural, social, economic and technological domains of interest, for the benefit of the individual and the community.
To do this through an open system of knowledge transfer and promotion of the values of social responsibility and protection of fundamental human rights, in order to constitute over time a recognised centre of expertise and a dialoguing, inclusive and multifaceted social body.
Helping to build
'a well made world'
Studying, drafting, approving, publishing and disseminating technical documents of voluntary application, based on a democratic, transparent and consensual deliberative process, involving all stakeholders in each field of competence and promoting cooperation with the Federated Bodies.
Enhancing the centrality of standardisation
Improving and standardising the characteristics of products, services, organisations and professions, to support economic growth, social progress, environmental protection, the improvement of quality, health and safety, and the enhancement of innovation, while respecting the objectives of sustainable development and implementing practices consistent with the correct ethical-normative interpretation
Objectives and Priorities
To spread knowledge of the UNI System and the culture of standardisation everywhere
- Increasing communication, information and publicity actions
- Becoming a technical reference point for economic operators
- Activating systematic collaborations with Representative Members
To support Italian leadership in European and international markets
- Strengthening participation in CEN and ISO governance
- Increasing the participation of Italian expertise in CEN/ISO
- Increasing Italian leadership in CEN/ISO
To integrate legislation and consensual standardisation
- Being recognised by Institutions
- Fostering a partnership with the Public Administration
- Mapping consensual standards to support legislation
- Stimulating PA participation in standardisation activities
To listen to and involve all stakeholders for shared solutions
- Intercepting new market and societal needs and opportunities for standardisation
- Growing the membership and participation base
- Strengthening the integration between the components of the Infrastructure for Quality Italy
- Innovating standardisation processes to serve users