Standardisation for institutions
Standardisation is a natural ally of Institutions at all levels. In administrative action, in regulatory action, in relations with businesses and citizens: it creates social benefits, economic advantages, protects the interests of the community, protects the environment and resources.
Standards simplify legislative and administrative action because they constitute an up-to-date technical and technological reference that arises from consensus, transparency, democracy and voluntariness.
Standardisation can complement legislation where there are normative gaps on certain aspects that have already been addressed by the market from a bottom-up perspective.
Public policy support
Increasingly, legislative acts indicate in UNI standards the most authoritative technical-applicative reference, even if not mandatory, updated to the state of the art. For example, the Minimum Environmental Criteria defined by the Plan for the Environmental Sustainability of consumption in the Public Administration sector adopted by Ministerial Decrees.

The standards of the future?
Write them with us
UNI members have a privileged view on the world of standardisation. They are always up-to-date with the latest news, but above all they can personally contribute to the creation of standards by making their voice heard.
Associating with UNI offers many advantages. The most important is that of being able to sit at the table of those who draw up standards. And to participate as a protagonist in defining the rules of one’s own sector, without ever being subjected to the choices of others.